ValkingBlog: September 2004


Because there is more to life than just work...

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Full Metal Jacket Soundboard

For all you fans of Full Metal Jacket (One of the finest military masterpieces ever made) I'd like to suggest this soundboard: Some pretty nice lines from Gunney Hartman. So listen up and click the link.
And thank you for your support.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Tag Day!

Well today was the last possible day to renew my tags on all the vehicles.
So I did. It was a bargain. 5 tags/decals for $163.00
Short list:
My 1973 Volkswagen Thing
My 1981 Chevy C-10 pickup
My 2000 Honda Shadow
My 3 year old utility trailer
My 1 year old utility trailer

So now I have a problem, previously I mentioned that I was getting the Chevy back up and running, and I have... Well tag day reminds me, I haven't seen my big utility trailer in almost a year. You see, my father in law needed to borrow it about 18 months ago and a nephew came and picked it up, last tag day I mailed the decal to him because it was prudent to do so rather than making to 70 mile trip to deliver the decal. We went visiting in January and low and behold my trailer's visiting my sister-in-law & her husband's place next door. Well now it's not legal for them to continue using my trailer for whatever purpose (at the time, Opa needed it to haul his mower to cut grass on a home he was selling, must have sold by now) they've been using it for while forgetting to return it so I guess I need to show up some morning to pick it up... Just hope the tires haven't rotted off or the deck eaten thru by termites or weather... It's kind of a handy trailer, I've hauled parts VW's on it and even a Cooper Mini with/for my best friend Jim. His blog has a pic or link to a pick of it somewhere on it : .
Perhaps I'll just go on up the road next time I go to an EAA meeting (taking the flying gear) and get in an evening flight and get photos of the place for Opa. Oh, the nephew also wants to get a paramotor so it might do several good things all at the same time... so I guess I should plan to take the ride, before they figure out the tags expired and call asking for the new decal, guess it's just a classic CATCH-22.

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I like this place: IMAO: Frank the Artist Archives

IMAO: Frank the Artist Archives
IMAO: Frank the Artist Archives
Space Lasers, what a great argument for them and their multifaceted multipurpose versatility...
I like this guy... You might too.


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Sunday, September 26, 2004

Terrorist Interview, bastards...(funny bastards)

This one's good...


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gi joe
You're GI Joe with the Kung Fu Grip!! You're
strong, tough, and know how to kick some ass.
Don't forget though, no matter how manly you
think you are, you're still just an action figure. God
Bless America.

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Go Joe!
Only problems... This is a 70's Joe. Action Team Joe. The real deal twelve inch action toy. I know this, I played this. 1980's Joes were 3.5 inches tall, kinda wimpy, then the 12 inch made a comeback late 80's thru today. Thank God. Kids need great toys, and Joe's the best. Even to the point that Becca has the first GI Jane's to be released in 30 years, GI Jane Helicopter Pilot. So of course she had to have the Helicopter too, isn't that what good dads are for? To make sure their daughters have the proper equipment for their GI Jane's? (Okay, I admit it, I "collect" some of them) Here's the point though for all you "collectors" out there, beanies, Barbies, Joes, whatever...
Open the boxes, let the kids play. (You play too, good quality time with your kid...) Because if you never open the toy, it's just a boxed trophy thing that never gets into your kids heart. And if they don't play with and love or hate it, it'll never mean a thing to them as adults. If your love doesn't get passed on, it gets sold off or thrown away on your passing, remember that you people, and play. Because after all, there's more to life than just work.
Here endeth the first lesson...

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How President Bush gets his enemies to choose the ground where they will die |

How President Bush gets his enemies to choose the ground where they will die | "I am a Brit, living in London, and have watched the Dan Rather forgery story with fascination.
But until now, like Dan Rather himself, I had assumed that George Bush's conduct in the National Guard was indeed not to his credit. But now I am starting to believe that this might have been entirely made-up nonsense.
Two things I am learning about your President are that (a) he loves to win, and that (b) one of his favourite methods for winning is to sucker his opponents into a battleground where they think they will win... and then kill them.
I get the feeling that Bush is now doing this to the Sadaamites in Iraq. Let them (and their cheerleaders in the West in general and among the Democrats in particular) think they are winning and that Bush is losing, let them choose what they think is the perfect battleground, and then crucify them. Operation Crucifixion is just now getting underway, if I understand present circumstances in Iraq rightly. Interesting timing, eh?"

What a thought, I might just have to agree with this fellow. Stoke of genius...

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Michael : Mike's Message : Messages

Michael : Mike's Message : Messages: "They are relentless and that is why we secretly admire them -- they just simply never, ever give up. Only 30% of the country calls itself 'Republican,' yet the Republicans own it all -- the White House, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court and the majority of the governorships. How do you think they've been able to pull that off considering they are a minority? It's because they eat you and me and every other liberal for breakfast and then spend the rest of the day wreaking havoc on the planet.
Look at us -- what a bunch of crybabies. Bush gets a bounce after his convention and you would have thought the Germans had run through Poland again. The Bushies are coming, the Bushies are coming! Yes, they caught Kerry asleep on the Swift Boat thing. Yes, they found the frequency in Dan Rather and ran with it. Suddenly it's like, 'THE END IS NEAR! THE SKY IS FALLING!' "

Michael Moore on Republican strengths & Democrat weaknesses, what an eye opener, shame it's probably just to help sell his latest project or something...

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Saturday, September 25, 2004

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Peanut Butter.I taste like Peanut Butter.

I am one of the most blendable flavours; I go with sweet, I go with sour, I go with bland, I go with anything. I am practical and good company, but have something of a tendency to hang around when I'm not wanted, unaware that my presence is not welcome. What Flavour Are You?


Of course I guess it could have been worse, like "I taste like over boiled squash" This one was fun.
-Robert "peanutbutter" D.

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Thursday, September 23, 2004

eBay item 6120349443 (Ends Sep-27-04 21:13:21 PDT) - Buy My Pure Soul - Spirit - Relive life - Afterlife

eBay item 6120349443 (Ends Sep-27-04 21:13:21 PDT) - Buy My Pure Soul - Spirit - Relive life - Afterlife: "This is a once in a lifetime offer!!!!

Specifications of Soul
- Attends church weekly.
- reconciliation regularly.
- Catholic School educated throughout lifetime."

Ah, eBay souls, will they never learn?
This fellow should know better...

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More Videos...

There's another flying video on another of my blogs...
(two actually)
One's on ValkinBlogShares,

The other's on Big Blue Marble,

I tend to run a video a few days and then "draft" it so that it won't cause overlapping issues in the archives... I've noticed sometimes they'll click or drag, probably because of site traffic, sorry.
If they get bad, I'll stop & restart them and sometimes this improves the situation. Hope you enjoy them all the same.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Kerry's link to CBS a danger - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - September 22, 2004

Kerry's link to CBS a danger - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - September 22, 2004: "Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry's top adviser Joe Lockhart admitted Monday that on the advice of CBS producer Mary Mapes, he chatted with retired Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, the man who sent anchorman Dan Rather bogus documents meant to humiliate President Bush. "

Rathergate gets deep and wide...
Lay odds nobody's charged when it's all done...
Am I the only one that's getting tired of Dan Rather reporting on his own story? I know I would be, if I were watching CBS at all anymore.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

OpinionJournal - Taste

OpinionJournal - Taste: "The October edition of Outdoor Life will feature interviews with both presidential candidates. When asked about their favorite guns, President Bush responds: 'My favorite gun is a Weatherby Athena 20 gauge.' Mr. Kerry says (reminding us yet again where he was 35 years ago): 'My favorite gun is the M-16 that saved my life and that of my crew in Vietnam. I don't own one of those now, but one of my reminders of my service is a Communist Chinese assault rifle.' So Mr. Kerry's favorite gun is an 'assault' rifle designed for war. Funny talk coming from a guy who just went ballistic over the end of the 'assault' weapons ban. "

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Saturday, September 18, 2004

Saturday EAA Meeting...

Well it's Saturday and the third one of the month, means only one thing...
EAA (Experemental Aircraft Association) chapter 330's monthly meeting.
Years ago I joined "The Flying Georgia Crackers" and let my membership lapse because the distance to drive was a fair bit. That and I didn't have an airplane or anything, I was just a serious wanna-be (guess not serious I wanted to be a gyro pilot.
You know, those egg beater looking things that are almost a helicopter but aren't as the big rotor on top isn't attached to a motor. James Bond flew one in the 60's.
Well it didn't happen and I sort of lost interest. Well being a pilot now of another aviation branch (more like a leaf) I rejoined this fine group about 2 months ago.

I flew at that meeting and those that saw it liked it. I have the distinction of having the tiniest plane there. Bear in mind though the paraglider & motor are only a plane in the loosest of definitions. I like to just call it my flying machine.

Well Rebecca (my 12 year old) and I took the trike and trailer and the wing only for this meeting. I was expecting the winds to be too strong for flying and figured that I'd kite if they weren't. Boy did I misjudge that one. The tempature was in the upper seventies. There was a light breeze of about 2 mph right down the runway.
Everyone wanted to know where my motor was... It would have been good flying.
Kiting went well though and Becca was there with me, helping lay the wing out and reset it after it returned to the ground a few times. Good way to start breaking her in to kiting. When we were done, I was winded and everyone back at the hanger had positive comments on how well I run and that "you need to be a young guy to do that". I told them with a nice breeze there's a lot less running and a few members restated that they looked forward to seeing me fly again. For them, their aircraft are more like flying cars, seeing a pilot use his feet as landing gear is a bit of a novelty. Speaking of flying cars... Take a look at "The Flying Car" a Kevin Smith short film I watch from time to time and figure I need to share...

We had a short meeting, a wonderful lunch, and hangar flying (talking airplanes) was as good as ever. I got a few questions about aviation radio protocol answered and took Beck into one of the larger hangars to look at the autogyros. In a corner I found an antique home built PPG motor, I asked about it and one of the guys replied that another member wants to use it to make an airboat (though they aren't legal here) . Good, I thought, I'd be scared to think someone was going to try and fly it. It was unique, but not really state of the art anymore.
We walked the flightline once more before leaving and said our goodbyes to everyone.
This is what the flightline looks like, I took this pic when I joined and added my motor.

The little engine that could...

So now they have everything from real airplanes to backpack one, and the nice thing is, they like them all... No one in particular seems to have a fixation on any plane being so much better than any other. They seem to love 'em all...
It's nice to be somewhere that you fit in and are welcome. It was a great time, Becca said it was fun and enjoyed that we took the bike too, making a twice over winner. I don't think she's ever been as close as we were to actual flying and landing airplanes, though she's been around PPG enough to be pretty comfortable near rotating props. I think she did great and can't wait till I get to take her up in the countryside to a meeting again.

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Monday, September 13, 2004

Dave Kopel on the Assault-Weapons Ban on National Review Online

Dave Kopel on the Assault-Weapons Ban on National Review Online: "At midnight tonight, the federal ban on so-called 'assault weapons' expires. As a constitutional moment, the expiration is as significant for the Second Amendment as the March 3, 1801, expiration of the Alien and Sedition Acts was for the First Amendment. These federal laws were not found unconstitutional by any court, but the laws expired in disgrace because our political system, as expressed through congressional elections, determined them to be infringements on the Bill of Rights."

Look forward to the streets being flooded with AK-47's and Uzi's the gun banners are saying... They really just don't get it. What bothers me is those that are saying "with terrorism the threat it is today, we cannot afford to allow these guns back on the streets..." Don't they realize that it's the gun in the hands of the average American that is going to be the first line of defense in a terrorist attack against civilians? Why do you think the terrorists attacked where Americans wouldn't be allowed guns? Because in our society, a person never knows if his fellow citizen is armed, and in that is deterrence. Where everyone is known to be helpless, you'll find the hyena willing to prey on the sheep... Me, I don't like the idea of being the sheep.
-Robert D.

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Saturday, September 11, 2004

September 11, 2004

Not a day like any other.
Got up late and thought about what we were doing 3 years ago this morning.
The disaster, seeing the first tower collapse on television. The skies being cleared of all but military aviation. It was an odd sensation. Like the day Kennedy was shot, Reagan was shot, the Challenger explosion, or the Columbia break-up, we all seem to know what we were doing on 9/11/2001...
But back in the brightening shadow of a projected hurricane track and just thru the left overs of the two previous, things around the ole' homestead needed cleaning up. Saw about getting the front mowed, looked at the back 40, but figure it'll wait for a few more days. Moved "old Blue" (my '81 chevy c-10 pickup) from the front and mowed there too. I figure I need to haul a bunch of crap off, and since old blue (also known as "frankentruck" a metric/standard mix) will be instrumental in the next week or so of that, it's parked next to the house with the big battery charger is now attached and slow charging... added air to the tires all around and brushed off a fair amount of leaves from various surfaces as well. The neighbors no doubt will go into shock seeing it moved. If it weren't for the fact that the dirt helps hold everything together, I'd see about washing it as well. Perhaps some windex...

With a nice clean mowed surface in the yard, I got around to the reasonably delayed wing inspection and de-sanding. Happy to report that several cells are now empty of sand (what little there was) and I'm sure the St. Augustine white will mix nicely and be hardly noticable within hours. The flipping process went as easy as ever and apon close inspection there was no damage to be found from pole flying last weekend. This is always good news. Returning the wing again to the proper bottom up layout position, I took a few minutes to clear the lines of any tangles and shoo off any small insects. Mushrooming for bagging carefully, I sat eveything into the stuff sack for an easy "from the bag hook-in" and stored all happy with a job well done.
Thankful for the overcast skies, this all would have killed me I'm sure in sunshine, I called it a day and came on in to get ready for bowling this evening.
What did everyone else do today I wonder, probably something far better than I did.

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Friday, September 10, 2004

The Weekend...

Well, It's Friday, the work week's mostly done. Get this last shift in and look at Saturday and Sunday. Yard work, mow mainly. Get that out of the way and I'll have a nice clean area to lay out the wing and get it de-sanded and inspected from the pole flying incident. I'd rather be flying tomorrow. But it's probably not going to happen. Perhaps Sunday morning early if the weather agrees.
Tomorrow's September 11th.
Makes me think how much we've been hurt by those terrorists. Our society's changed/changing as a result of it. It's been politicized. People are out there acting as if it's their own personal monopoly and only they can have feelings about it. Worse it makes me think how much people have already forgotten or are trying to forget. I'm sorry but a 527 group called 9/11 widows funded by John Kerry's wife complaining everytime a Bush ad has a 9/11 image is a bit out of it.
Wake up America. 9/11 happened to all of us. Everyone's got a right to have feelings about it. Why say images of it are "painful" to the families? They're painful to us all. But forgetting would be worse. People want to get back to normal, well folks it isn't going to get back to "normal" ever. We have to watch now, we have to be ready. We have to be willing to protect ourselves.
No one else is going to look out for America, but Americans. That's our job. Our families.
Tell me you wouldn't pull the trigger to save your daughter, son, wife, mother or father...

We should forgive, we should find peace.
They don't want peace, they want American blood. Just because we're Americans!

And then there are those dancing in the blood, making "documentaries" and millions blaming us.
To say that 9/11 is Americas fault, that we deserved it, has got to be the biggest line of shit I have ever heard. 9/11 happened because those terrorists had the will, and the means to make it happen. They are the reason 9/11 happened, not us. Blame the victim, so popular now.
The apologists rein supreme... Islam is a religion of love, Muslims are peaceful people, you've heard it all as I have too. Even my damn spellchecker insists "muslim" be capitalized.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most surely today, 98% of terrorists are Muslim...

The War on Terror is an expensive one.
I heard a soldier in Iraq quoted as saying "It's easier to kill them over here, that is would be at home..." And I agree. I'm grateful he has that opinion. I'm grateful to every soldier that's over there trying to prevent it from coming over here. I'm grateful to their families for enduring the hardships. I support their efforts and am sorry for their losses.

But in the politicking, they complain on how the war's being fought, when it was fought, why it was fought. "What have we got to show for it?", they ask.
What do they want, attacks every so often to remind them why there's so much money being spent to fight it? Money and time spent to prevent isn't ever seen as justified if it actually prevents now is it? Now there's a catch-22.

Now I have a question. What ever happened to the neutron Bomb? You remember. The one Jimmy Carter told us about... Blows up in the air, massive radiation, DOESN'T DESTROY BUILDINGS... kills everyone and a few days later you go in and clean up the bodies...
Remember that? Let's use it. Leaflet the crap out of the problem areas, tell the civilians to get out and...BOOM! Neutron Bomb. Dead terrorist's, problem solved. No mosques destroyed, no holy cities destroyed, just nice happy hand of God, everyone dies that was there death, dealt out by the good old USofA...
Kill our people and this is what happens to you.
They understand stuff like that...

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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

One Year, 4 days...

Well, it's been just a hair over a year now since my solo flight.
What have I accomplished in that year? Let's see...
My logbook shows 62 flights, not a lot for a year of flying.
I've flown at what could be considered four fly-ins. Most of my flights have been alone.
About half without even ground crew. I have had three ocassions to fly with only one or two other pilots. I have been in formation with as many as seven. I have flown in the rain once.
I have personally seen three crashes... (2 splashes, one dirt-dart). All three were non fatal, and all three the pilot flies again today. I helped in the recovery of two of them.
The numbers:
I have roughly flown 1138.5 minutes or 18.975 hours.
I have flown in that time, 493.35 miles.

I have broken 2 propellers (in flight, not launching or landing). I have run the fuel tank dry twice. I have had one "bad fuel" day. I have made landings for flight issues five times ( just listed). I have landed for unpleasant flying conditions three times. I have been almost scared (very close to scared) twice. My most unpleasant experience was the day I was dragged by the wing. (No damage to me or equipment)
My best experience was my last sunset flight,
Watching the changing colors feeling the cool breeze... as day ebbed to night... and I to ground... alit from flight..

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Monday, September 06, 2004

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Bristol/Somerset | Blindfolded man in balloon walk

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Bristol/Somerset | Blindfolded man in balloon walk: "Blindfolded man in balloon walk

The tightrope spanned two tethered balloons
A blindfolded airline pilot has walked between two hot air balloons at a height of 4,000 feet.
Mike Howard, from Manchester, carried out what is believed to be the first feat of its kind at the 2004 Bristol International Balloon Fiesta. "


What can I add to that? Holy highjinks Batman!

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Sunday, September 05, 2004


words and music by Pete Seeger

Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the flowers gone?
Girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young girls gone?
Taken husbands every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone for soldiers every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with flowers every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?

©1961 (Renewed) Fall River Music Inc

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Saturday, September 04, 2004

It's Saturday and time for golf, with Larry, Curly, Moe and...

Kidding actually, it's Saturday and time for Bowling. This evening I Moni & I need to get to the lanes and bowl our league, Lucky 13. Tonight we're #1 out of 20+ two person teams. Don't figure we'll stay there, but with the league half over it's nice that we did it. Never thought we were good enough for that, but I think it's a matter of priorities.
We bowl for fun, we do okay, but it's not going to kill us if we don't bowl perfectly. That and it's team on team for our standings. We've bowled much better people who got all conflicted if they weren't bowling great and just made matters worse. Add alcohol and the average bowler tends to get worse. Moni and I don't really drink much, especially when we're doing something important like driving, flying or bowling (lol) and hence we're not disadvantaged against some of the folks. Now don't get me wrong, these folks don't get horribly worse, but there is a percentage, that and one or two just became A-holes as the drank more and bowled worse and stressed more that they were losing to us... And we have a secret weapon. We have really ugly bowling shirts. Moni and I, unlike a lot of bowlers these days, believe in bowling shirts. I think it's special and brings a bit of nostalgia to the game. Well, ours are sometimes very obnoxious. In fact, we sometimes buy shirts just because they'd make great bowling shirts. Cheap Wal-Mart clearance shirts are good for this, short sleeve, button ups only...
So imagine losing to a team that isn't too serious, is not as good bowling as you are, and to top it off is wearing stupid looking shirts that match. It makes me so angry... And I love that in people.

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Thursday, September 02, 2004

Women on Waves...(not what you think)

This had to be the most far out, had to do to be able to do it, thing I have heard of in a long, long time. Apparently to facilitate abortions where it's not legal, the process has been taken to international waters. has a ship (ocean going tug actually) and is currently sailing (or perhaps being blocked by warships) in order to provide services to women in Portugal where it's not legal or feasible.
The "Ms. Borndiep" is currently dispensing the abortion pill, Mifepristone or RU486 to women brought out to meet her, but is being prevented from entering Portuguese waters by the "Baptista de Andrade, F486" of the Portuguese Navy. Interesting choice of frigates for the task. Amazing effort by WOW, perhaps extreme, positions aside on the morality of abortion, this is something indeed.

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Yahoo People, not just eBay...

This one's sort of obvious, but I'm going to put it in writing anyway.
When you see something one the web, research it. Look around and find out what it is, get other peoples opinions. Don't rush it. You might find your impatience has trapped you.
Try Yahoo, they have a group for practically everything, if not them, MSN. If you don't get help from Yahoo or at MSN, get help somewhere... Don't panic.
Know what you're getting into so it doesn't cost you because you jumped into a deal.
Better to pay what looks like more from a good source than to just buy a deal that might have been the first one you ever saw and it looked so much like eye candy that you just couldn't say no from someone that's an unknown element. Try saying "maybe" or "wait a sec" if it can't wait, take a pass. There is a pressure to buy right away for a reason, it's the impulse buyer.
Relax, don't do it. When you want to get to it...
Take your time and spend a dime, you're only saving yourself. Aren't you worth it?
So let it be written, so let it be done.

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Quantum Sleeper

Quantum Sleeper

The Quantum Sleeper Unit is a high-level security system designed for maximum protection in various hostile environments
Quantum Sleepers can also be fitted to provide protection from destructive forces of nature such as tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes and floods.
The Quantum Sleeper is the ultimate in protection, entertainment and communications, “ ALL ROLLED UP IN ONE”.
With this unit you don't have to run to a "Safe Room", you're already in it.
The Quantuum Sleeper comes with options for:
- CD player,
- DVD Screen with PC hookup,
- Microwave and Refrigerator
The Quantum Sleeper comes with options for Cellular Phones, CB and Short-wave Radios


This is rich, a Bio-chemical attack resistant sleeping chamber?
I'm impressed, would be better if it didn't look like it was made of plywood... Of course it's use as a sensory deprivation chamber might be

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