ValkingBlog: It's Saturday and time for golf, with Larry, Curly, Moe and...


Because there is more to life than just work...

Saturday, September 04, 2004

It's Saturday and time for golf, with Larry, Curly, Moe and...

Kidding actually, it's Saturday and time for Bowling. This evening I Moni & I need to get to the lanes and bowl our league, Lucky 13. Tonight we're #1 out of 20+ two person teams. Don't figure we'll stay there, but with the league half over it's nice that we did it. Never thought we were good enough for that, but I think it's a matter of priorities.
We bowl for fun, we do okay, but it's not going to kill us if we don't bowl perfectly. That and it's team on team for our standings. We've bowled much better people who got all conflicted if they weren't bowling great and just made matters worse. Add alcohol and the average bowler tends to get worse. Moni and I don't really drink much, especially when we're doing something important like driving, flying or bowling (lol) and hence we're not disadvantaged against some of the folks. Now don't get me wrong, these folks don't get horribly worse, but there is a percentage, that and one or two just became A-holes as the drank more and bowled worse and stressed more that they were losing to us... And we have a secret weapon. We have really ugly bowling shirts. Moni and I, unlike a lot of bowlers these days, believe in bowling shirts. I think it's special and brings a bit of nostalgia to the game. Well, ours are sometimes very obnoxious. In fact, we sometimes buy shirts just because they'd make great bowling shirts. Cheap Wal-Mart clearance shirts are good for this, short sleeve, button ups only...
So imagine losing to a team that isn't too serious, is not as good bowling as you are, and to top it off is wearing stupid looking shirts that match. It makes me so angry... And I love that in people.


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