ValkingBlog: August 2008


Because there is more to life than just work...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Weekly Update

So things with the second (Or should I say third?) job are going pretty good. But I'm finding my time's getting to be a pretty precious commodity. Not that I'm overly stuck on myself to have thought it was so valuable before, it's actually getting hard to get some things done now. Take for example mowing the lawn: I'm actually thinking about paying the neighborhood kid mowing company to do it! (Kids that mow lawns, not a company that mows kids, but thinking about it, that would be something, wouldn't it?) Okay, so I'm getting a little less sleep lately

I am getting to see a lot of my beautiful city though... and I'm really getting into adding to what I already thought I knew. Sometimes I knew wrong, but the wisdom of being an adult is checking ones facts isn't it? So I plod on like Jake (inside joke) rather than at a gallop. I'm starting to see some really interesting patterns in our history. No, it's not the City Hall Clock from "Back to the Future" but it is some pretty neat stuff. I guess the fact that I'm entertained by it all should be enough, someday I'll bore you all with it. I promise.

Hey, Speaking of City Hall Clocks...

There you go. Savannah City Hall on Bay St. at Bull.
-Rob "Follow and let me be your guide" D.


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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sometimes you just need a knife

It should come as a suprise to no one out there that I'm a fan of Spyderco knives. Have been for a long time. There's just a certain quality to them. A certain toughness. Well recently I got hold of a newer built Rescue of theirs and I'm here to tell you, they still have it. Without going on into the story of where and how i got this model, I'll say that I've been looking for something to add to my work knife selections. Usually I have a very small Kershaw on my utility pouch, but having started a recent third job that involves large animals and barn like conditions, I wanted something with a little more rope cutting potential. Man did I ever find it. This blade could probably cut it's way out of a phone book factory and still be hungry for more. Usually I have tried to stay in the steel handled Spyderco blades for collector value, so this one being a worker, the fiber reinforced nylon wasn't a problem. As you can see from the photo, this thing is all teeth. I haven't had a problem yet, from paper to leather, it's been thru it all and not balked once. The trick is keeping it sharp and I learned years ago a good ceramic rod will o just fine. (Better have the right sizes though). So if you're looking or a great blade, you could do a lot worse than this. I'll tell you though, I have no idea what the Byrd line they're bringing in from China is like. I'm trying to stay with Seki - Japan as long as I can.
-Rob "Seki City Rocks" D.


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Monday, August 11, 2008

Where is the time going?

You know it just seems like yesterday that the Olympic torch was making the rounds of all the countries of the world on its way to the Summer Games of 2008. Well now they're on and I have to say I'm getting into the swing of it. I head we're able to see it all live thanks to the time changes, but I'm not sure I've got that right. Oh well who knows? I do know I like what I'm seeing. Here's to the games.
-Rob "time's flying" D.

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Sunday, August 03, 2008

How to make a Custom Pelican Case

I know, I know, it's probably already been done. Well, let's see. Yesterday Kiddo and I went to Bass Pro Shops and picked up a pair of Pelican 1010 cases. There wasn't much of a selection but we got what we needed. Seems Pelican's made a few changes to the proven little cases. A new style internal liner/seal has some air pocket waves built into it now, a little padding improvement, I'll bet. And externally the old cord on the strap slots is gone, replaced by a small karibiner. Slot for the biner is enlarged to fit it, nice touch. I'll miss the cord, but I've always been able to add my own, so I like the move to the mini-biner. (I haven't lost anything, I've gained a better spot to tie into.) So we ended up with clear cases. When you have clear cases the color of the seal comes into play, so we had black sealed clear topped cases. Since we wanted to tell them apart and make them not clear (hide the contents from curious eyes), painting became a natural option and all of a sudden I had a great idea. Nail Polish. At the moment, color choices on the micro cases is a little limited. Red, yellow, blue, and black I've seen... Oh and now more clear. So why not paint them internally and add a pad like the solid colored ones have? "I like this already," I was thinking. Any color nail polish that's available will suddenly become a custom case color. So just to find a color. Off to the CVS last night and viola! A nice greenish metallic. (Note on nail polish, a $5.99 color isn't a must have, one $.99 will do for the 1010) So here's in progress and finished case... I think the possibilities are endless, including all sorts of painting options, stripes, spots, you name it... Right now though, a simple one color. One bottle will do for the 1010, but 2 bottle to be sure isn't a bad idea. Depends on your coats. On the top, two, on the bottom, one, the liner makes sure nothing's seen. Obviously larger cases will need more polish. Nice hard finish, minimal odds of scratching up. So there it is, What'ya think?

-Rob "color me gone" D.


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Penn and Teller Doing what they do...

As a Penn & Teller Fan for years, I just had to share this when another video came thru the email and I started looking at the stuff they do again.
-Rob "trapped?" D.


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