Sunday evening flight

Well I made it out flying tonight and it was wonderful. Had the chance to get some pics (been meaning to) of the Eco-Wing and I'm only about half happy with the results. In this one I'm of course sporting my Uber-geek Combat Eyeglasses and very retro cloth flying helmet. The reason I'm not so keen on the pics is about half of them were fuzzy. Oh well. Doesn't matter though, the flying was great. Winds were about 7mph and nice and smooth from the South. Looks like there was a movie (or commercial) production going on and happily I seem to have arrived after the shooting was done for the day. Everyone waved or waved back and one or two observers seemed to get a real kick out of foot dragging I was up to. Note here: foot drags are something close to landings, but instead of landing and coming to a stop, you continue to fly along the ground and drag a foot or two. Hence the name. One young lady stuck out her thumb in hitch-hiker fashion (I thought that was cute) but when I yelled "Come on!" she didn't. Guess she knew I was kidding just as much as she was. So a good time was had by all. Talked with three different couples; residents, tourists and recent transplants and everyone was a real pleasure to chat with. I hope people like this keep coming. Everyone was really enjoying the day. Now that the temperatures are getting more Fall like, it's the perfect time to.
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