ValkingBlog: February 2006


Because there is more to life than just work...

Monday, February 20, 2006

PC Pro: News: Google preps privacy defences

PC Pro: News: Google preps privacy defences: "Monday 20th February 2006

Google preps privacy defences 10:13AM
Google is preparing a robust defence of its refusal to give the US Department of Justice (DoJ) access to its search logs. The company has now published its response (PDF) to the DoJ's subpoena. The document suggests that the government request is not only unnecessary but would also damage Google's business. "

Hmmmm, would damage google's business, just like not censoring their product in China would do right? Funny, I bet they're roll over like a puppy if the Chinese decide in a year they want to know who's searching what in the PRC. Of course I have mixed feelings on this as I value privacy and our civil rights as much as the next blogger, I know I don't like the idea of 1984 coming to life. Even if it is already. But hey, I can't even get my frickin doctor's office to mail me anything about my own health without coming in and signing a release, so what do I know?
-Rob "minority report" D.

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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Wires are your enemy...

As seen on

Especially when you fly into them.
Bet that hurt.

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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Some sellers on eBay really are good people...

So Gang,
Somewhere about a week ago I'm surfing around eBay and find some pool balls for sale. I know, "what ya need with pool balls Rob?" but bear with me. I have a cane, nice one, simple, elegant, and it has a threaded head. Read that removable. Read that as you can make your own handles. So I thought, "Hey I can make some quasi Pimp Cane heads using my favorite numbers." So I did. I bid on and won "14", "7", and "13". Great price, like $.99 per. (I went with multiples so shipping would make the effort worthwhile. And in case I screwed up the first one or two.) No, I didn't get the "8" ball. There's a market for those you know, and they're a bit more pricy.
So "14" because I'm Bad Apple #14. "7" lucky, "13" unlucky. With me so far? Okay so I bid and win, and as usual I use an online payment service that shall remain un-named. Well a week goes by. No balls. I know you're asking "So Rob's got no balls, so what?" Well after a week and no balls an email comes from the seller. Hi customer, congratulations you won some balls, we offer these payment options...
Well, I shoot back an email. Hi Seller, I paid like a week ago. I thought they'd be here by now (so I could be playing with my balls). Okay, around this time most sellers say, okay we'll look into it and get back to ya, so usually I end up sending a cut&paste of the payment info and it's back and forth and eventually the item shows in a brown wrappered package sent 4th class mail global via Tibet or someplace equally far off and away. Not this time. This time the seller did something I've not seen before. This seller went the extra mile and so surprised me that I find myself telling you about it now. I hope you're paying attention. This seller refunded the payment, mailed me the balls I didn't have yet, and shot me an email to apologize. I'm impressed. This seller is a SELLER of the highest caliber. Style. This is someone with style. I hope I get a chance to do biz with him in the future. I plan on watching his auctions. I'd recommend you do the same. You'll probably be glad you did.
I know I am. So now to email back my thanks.
-Rob "shown what class really is" D.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Yahoo, AOL Consider Fee For Some E-Mail Access - Technology - Yahoo, AOL Consider Fee For Some E-Mail: "Yahoo, AOL Consider Fee For Some E-Mail
POSTED: 6:59 am MST February 6, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO -- Two of the biggest e-mail account providers are betting that legitimate businesses would be willing to pay to give them access to people -- without having to go through spam filters.
Yahoo and America Online said they plan to introduce a service that would charge senders a fee to send their mail directly to a user's mailbox -- bypassing junk-mail filters.
The fees would range from a quarter-cent to 1 cent per e-mail sent.
And the offer is the latest attempt by Internet Service Providers to weed out spam as well as e-mails claiming to be from people trying to pull off identity-theft scams.
In exchange for payment, e-mail senders can be guaranteed that their messages won't be filtered -- and will show up at inboxes with a seal alerting recipients they're legitimate."

Thank goodness, now those darn spammers will have to pay the man (read this, bribe) to get him off their collective backs. And me and my nice safe aol address is now available to the highesy bidders, AGAIN.
Well hey, last time it was stolen by an employee, this time it's by the CEO. I feel better already.

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Sunday, February 05, 2006 - Manitoba - It looks like early spring - Manitoba - It looks like early spring: "

Fri, February 3, 2006

It looks like early springJust ask Manitoba Merv

Manitoba's furriest weather forecaster predicted an early end to winter yesterday, after failing to catch sight of his shadow outside his den at Oak Hammock Marsh.
Manitoba Merv emerged shortly after dawn, and looked around for a while but saw nothing, so he retreated to whence he'd come.
'Once safe inside, he issued his official prediction that Manitoba will have an early spring this year,' said Oak Hammock biologist Jacques Bourgeois.
'He predicts that spring will arrive with the first Canada Geese near the middle of March.' "

What's with this Merv wannabe? He a frickin puppet. Everyone wants to get in on the act. God help us all, and Phil.

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On iPods and hearing loss: Shocking!

On iPods and hearing loss: Just turn it down | | CNET "February 2, 2006 11:37 AM PST
On iPods and hearing loss: Just turn it down
We knew we could count on bloggers for some amusing feedback to today's news that an iPod owner is suing Apple Computer in federal court alleging that his music player causes hearing loss.

The suit, filed on behalf of John Kiel Patterson and all other iPod buyers, seeks monetary damages to compensate for the hearing loss suffered by iPod users as well as a share of Apple's iPod profits. The suit also seeks to force Apple to offer a software upgrade to limit the iPod's output to 100 decibels as well as provide headphones designed to block out external noise. "

God forbid someone use common sense. No, be stupid, blame someone else, and sue.

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