Had a funny thing happen today. First, the Ferrets are fine. Let me take a few minutes and tell you about it though... My daughter Becca has a pair of Ferrets here at the house, Blackie and Claire. Two fine little critters that are as adorable as ferrets can be and very well mannered. In case you don't like ferrets, sorry, I think they're cool, they're stretched rats that act like cats. I think someone mixed the gene pool on this and made natural enemies get together and form some kind of crazy mutant critter. So back to the deal. I went in Becca's room today checking the water bottle and saw it needed refilling. So I did. When I came back in the room, one of the ferrets was excitedly waiting the bottles return. Other ferret, not to be seen, well that's not new, they've got this hammock thingie and the other one's probably in that... So I call , like I usaully do "Here, ferret, ferret, ferret..." Well shock of shocks, the other ferret runs out from under the bed and hops on my foot.
Looks up at me like, "Hey Mack, give a ferret a lift?" and just sits there waiting.
So naturally laughing at the fact that the ferret came when called and wanted back in the cage for water, I picked the critter up and led it to the well.
The ferrets were pretty proud of themselves for having pulled off this jail break I think. When the free one got back to the upper level of the ferret house they started doing high fives and hand slaps like those squirrels on the insurace commercial that get the car to swerve into a tree by eating a nut in the road and being adorable. Must be the mutant thing in 'em. So I secured the ferret house doors and figured everybody needs to blow off a little steam now and then. Guess that explains the little torn up pieces of paper everywhere and minature bottles laying all over the place. Ya'll ever heard of "ferretbrau" brewed in the Best Little Brewery in Austria? Not kidding, says "BLB, Aus." right on it. I have, now. Go figure.
So I left them too it, none the worse for the wear. Not sure I liked the look of them as I closed Becca's door though, they were huddled on the top floor of the house, whispering...
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