First, I want to say I like this Honda FIT very much. Second, I'd like to add that Southern Motors Honda of Savannah was a decent dealership to deal with. They weren't pushy or hard sell on us or anyone else I know that's gone through them buying a car (a friend for example just got a used VW Jetta from them). But one thing they also aren't is real good at doing what they say they'll do.

There's a pretty good shot of the engine tucked under the FIT's hood. One thing you won't find right now is the key less entry or the security system that I was promised would be installed. On sale day, we went thru the process of paperwork and the car had to be 'dealer prepped' the next. It would be ready by one and everyone would be able to do the happy dance. At 4:30 when we got there this wasn't the case. Seems like someone dropped the ball, a few times. Our Saleslady was off, when they got our name, five minutes later they were back to ask what car we were there for. (I know it's odd, but I thought if you bought a car, someone had a list with your name showing which one was yours.) With our Saleslady gone, it seems no one was making sure our car got ready. Being charitable, I'm going to say they didn't do anything before we got there and when we did, they took an hour and a half to prep it.
Now keeping the hour and a half wait in mind, it should come as no surprise that when they brought it around it didn't have the electronics we asked for in it. We were told it was 'out of stock' and they'd have to order it. The day before, it was in the parts department, some guy made it a point to chime in and say it was there, he'd just checked, and it would be installed no problem. Funny thing at Southern Motors, no one introduces themselves to you so I have no idea who this was. In a similar fashion, on day two while I was telling the finance guy (who we recognized and remembered us as car buyers) that our sales lady was out, some guy comes up and says, "Yeah, she's off today..." Well big help that was, (wish he'd stayed up to date on the status of our car like that) ended up he was the owner (Well the owner's son, you know the drill...) and I only figured that out after a few people called him by name and the name was the same one who had I had spoken with the day before when after the sale I got a little call about a 'problem' that seemed only to show up AFTER the sale. So from this point on the owner's son, I mean owner took a personal interest in our car and I guess they got moving on getting it ready for us. After a short nap, my wife came back to me and let me know our car was ready, but it had some spots on the bumper they'd have to fix. Next thing I hear is that it might be a good idea to wait and fix the bumper when the electronics get ordered and delivered sometime in the not too distant future.

Friends, I was not happy. That's putting it nicely. Now there's something you should know about me, I like things simple. If you say you're going to do something, do it. If you promise something, provide it. If you're wrong, admit it. They tried to feed me a line about the parts were out of stock and whatnot... when instead a simple "We messed up and didn't do anything to your car until you got here" would have sufficed. Of course it couldn't have the electronics installed if they needed like an hour or two to do it on top of the rest of the prep. I would have been fine with that. No, instead they tried very hard to sell me on the idea of they were out of stock, they had no idea who would have promised me it would have been installed today, and no they weren't lying. You know if they spend a lot of time saying they're not lying...
So we have a beautiful new Honda FIT. It drives wonderfully and as of tonight I think we've put two gallons of gas thru it. I have an IOU from the dealership and soon there will be a survey asking how was our buying experience. I think I'll scan the IOU and post it. I'll let you know if they honor it. I'm passing on a recap right now, in closing let me again say, I like Southern Motors Honda of Savannah, but they have a few spots to work on in this sale...
-Rob "fool me once, shame on you" D.
Labels: Southern Motors Honda of Savannah New Honda FIT is great but problems still
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