ValkingBlog: May 2006


Because there is more to life than just work...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Military news footage

As seen on

Good stuff, nice to see the terrorists really aren't too swift after all. I did notice though they're trying to look all tough using what looks like captured or stolen American weapons, nice to see they had very little familiarity with them. I wish I had seen this clip in the prime time media.
-Rob "fill books with what you don't read in newspapers" D.

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Friday, May 26, 2006


This is a test. This is only a test. This is a test of the Emergency Blogging System, had this been an actual emergency we would hope that you'd be watching Television or listening to a radio, not clogging the internet up with waqsteful blogging, of course we here at Valkingblog are touched that you'd think to log on and say goodbye to us, but really, save youself, we'll be fine here...
This has been a test of the Emergency Blogging System, we now return you to your regularly scheduled life.

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Me in the new helmet

No really. Okay, I'm a Ren & Stimpy fan too.
-Rob "space madness" D.

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The new look

Can't complain about this one, even smells new now. And check it out, it'll stand up on it's own.
-Rob "chicks dig the tricks" D.

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Out with the old and in with the new...

So, it's just a few minutes to do this part... For a screwdriver we use the multitool of the day, the Leatherman Juice. Three screws per side and VIOLA!
A bunch of parts laying around... I didn't have the heart to trash the old liner, so I trimmed the leather ears down a bit for a nice party hat. But I digress. Put in the new liner and we're another step along.
-Rob "almost there" D.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Super Steel Microman Series

Super Steel Microman Series: "M21X is probably one of the most recognizable and most popular Microman besides the M10X type. M21X was made popular by the original Microman Manga since the lead Microman character M102 Jack was severely injured and was reconstructed into a green Super-Steel M21X type Microman. Interestingly, Micronauts comic lead character Commander Rand was also a Space Glider type figure."

Ah, nostalgia. I had these when I was a kid. Time to start the hunt for some on eBay! When toys were toys & boys were glad of it, the 70's...

-Rob "this was how I flew then" D.

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Internet blogging comes under fire

Internet blogging comes under fire

Had to happen sooner or later, next we'll have a school approval rating system...

-Rob "Rated-G" D.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Human Beat Box

As seen on

Had to share, sorry!
Now I know what the guy from the Police Academy movies was all about.
-Rob "me, rhythm?" D.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

The New Liner

Of course it looks like a snoopy flight helmet, but it's just the liner filled out. I recycled the old earcup foam but everything else is brand new ( NOS - new old stock, it means new in the package, but however many years it's been in storage old) I don't think it looks too bad, now to just unbolt the old and bolt in the new...
and think about artwork.
-Rob "plant me an idea" D.

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Been a few days since getting the 411 in, and I've gotten a new liner. Throw in a pair of earcups (of the 8 pairs I have left off eBay (from TANKGIRL in Canada)) and we're ready to get assembling. Ends up the liner is "open ear" meaning we'll see the cups. That's cool, it'll make for a hair more eye appeal. And of course it leaves flat surfaces to art up should the need arise. Clean & new compared to the dirt stained honest use one it'll be replacing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for a show helmet, but I do want to start out fresh with anything I can on it. So there we are, step two achieved. Next throw these two together and add a set of ear pads (also previously aquired in bulk on eBay (from England that time, 10 pairs)) and we'll have step three...
-Rob "ordo ab chao" D.

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Gentex 411


So there's a new helmet in town, and it's got "me" written all over it.
Yes gang, I have aquired the elusive Gentex 411. Looks like Canada is finally releasing them in larger sizes... And I'm loving it. Basicly this critter is a slim profile brain bucket with a simple single visor. It has no coms, but that's perfect for me to use as I just run the little wiring for the occasional use of the Garmin Rino 120 (radio/GPS)...
I've already made a hillbilly copy of this one by modifying a tank (Gentex CVC) helmet (with the addition of a visor from a helicopter helmet), but this one's the real deal. Now to just "new" it up a bit and add some artwork. Ought to be fun.
By the way, sorry I've been off the blog a bit lately, things have been busy.
More on that soon.
-Rob "411 me baby!" D.

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