ValkingBlog: December 2008


Because there is more to life than just work...

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Banner Repair

So AOL closed out a lot of it's pictures and video sections, the blog suffered as a result. Time to fix some. The banner for a start i guess...

-Rob "fix it" D.


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The Christmas Loom

Yes folks, the Christmas Loom. Decided on a few things this year. Non-traditional Christmas display, Big present for the lady of the house, time to switch it up a bit...(pun completely un-intended). Been a busy month or so. Been out a few times on the carriage in Quasi-Pirate garb. In the "Tropic Thunder" sense, not going full-pirate. Did find a nice pirate accessory on Ebay though to go with my very piratey self made pirate hat...

Yes, a flintlock pistol. It's a 1970's or 1980's production Miroku flintlock kit, assembled, but never really finished. I kind of like the rough look so I'm only working on the back end at the moment. Smooth up the grip and see where it goes after that... a work in progress as it were. so I guess I better get photos along the way.

-Rob "Ba'ah humbug" D.


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