And the beat goes on...

So Yesterday I put the truck out on the lawn with a for sale sign on it. So far I've had 5 telephone calls, 3 drive by & stop while I was in the yard, and 2 people come to the door. I think of it as a race; First person with $800 in the hand wins. Right now they're checking the field. Heck, I did that with 'Friday'. I thought about it, I tried to figure how to raise the cash, and finally I got a number I could spring. Of course, oddly enough that number is the exact number I want for the truck. With this many folks asking this fast, I'm not really sure I'll have to accept less. Only time will tell. Truck's been mine for coming on something like 17 years. It was paid for the day I drove it home and I had an engine built for it 7-8 years ago. It was all a wonderful time, but I had reservations about parting with it. Not now though, I have a new machine to love, and she's a year newer and in 5 times better condition.
Well enough banter about how my new trophy VW's replacing my dedicated and stand-by Chevy. We need a buyer, and I need a big 'ole farfegnugen graphic or two...