ValkingBlog: November 2008


Because there is more to life than just work...

Friday, November 07, 2008

Halloween and Beyond

So Halloween was okay, but the real fun was in the costume. Monika made me one really fantastic 17th century pirate's coat. I went out on the carriage Saturday night just a few degrees shy of full pirate. (No eye patch) Was a personal best night for me. Time to hunt more fabric for a winter version. I think it be time for more of the same matey...

Rob "The Dread Pirate Roberts" D.


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Sunday, November 02, 2008

AOL Hometown problems

Well Gentle Readers,
It looks like on Halloween a few days past, AOL Hometown shut down, PERMANENTLY. I'm afraid some files have been lost forever as a result. Some videos and some links won't be working, but I'll get them fixed in a bit. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks AOL.
-Rob "lost files forever" D.

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