ValkingBlog: September 2007


Because there is more to life than just work...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Paramotor, Paramotor, Paramotor...

powered paraglider, paragliding, paragliders, flying, ultralight flight, paramente, powered parachute, launch, landing, crosswind, crabbing, paramotor, kiting, extreme sports, glider, gliding, experimental aircraft association, EAA, Hirth, Fresh Breeze, Sky Cruiser, AirBoss, fly, baby, fly !!!

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Threefold told

So I hauled Pop's/Becca's 181 home this afternoon. Nothing wrong with it, just I was alone with the Jeep and over helping, so it's time to bring it across town. The torch is passed. It's Becca's THING. I let her know when she called checking in after a work party at church broke up early. Being 15 we've got to figure out the details of traansfering ownership and insurance, but it should all work out soon. We've had both things together before, but adding another aircooled (Friday) and it's pretty as a picture. Dreams do come true.

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